The Night is Coming

In my music room wedged between a greenscreen and computer screen beavering away…I’ve been doing more regular recording lately..looking forward to sharing with you! The Lord really impressed on me John 9:4 “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work”…One Read More

When A Grain Of Wheat Falls – Original Christian song by Sarah Begaj

I felt the Lord impressing upon me to write this song over the last 3 months. It is never easy when something has to die in our lives. Jesus said in John 12:24 -26“ Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but Read More

Let the Spirit and the Bride Say Come – New Video

This is the first song I released with Homegrown Worship earlier this year, which has been sung as a congregational worship song. A couple of weeks ago I had an idea ( 8 months on )to make this video and here it is! During these strange and uncertain times it is important to look up Read More

Knowing our purpose

This evening I was asked to sing my new song (released yesterday by @hgwsongs )for our online women’s Bible study. The study was all about knowing our purpose. The amazing thing is that knowing our purpose is exactly what this song is about! One morning last summer I cried out to the Lord asking Him Read More

In You I Have My Being

This is my new song with Homegrown out today 😊 Hppe you have a blessed day! There’s a bit of a chilled country feel to this one but it also feels timely. It is a scripture song about our purpose, our very being, ultimately being found in our God, our Creator who through the blood Read More

In You I Have My Being – Released tomorrow

Hi friends. I hope this post finds you well! Amidst the chaos of demolishing and rebuilding I’m keeping my sanity by trips to the countryside and there’s always something musical underway! Tomorrow my song called ‘In You I Have My Being’ produced by @hgwsongs is being released. There’s a bit of a chilled country feel Read More

Creation Speaks – Original Christian song by Sarah Begaj

I finished this song during the Coronavirus lockdown with footage from Havant Thicket, England and some footage from Peje, Kosovo. It seems quite poignant at a time where the world has slowed down and become a lot quieter. Creation seems to have made its’ voice heard. Psalm 19 says “The heavens declare the glory of Read More

Creation Speaks

I was so excited today to discover new woodlands and poplar trees just a walk away from our house! With my violin, cameraman (aka my husband) and helpers (children) in tow we found a lovely spot to record for a new song of mine called ‘Creation Speaks’. The pace of life has slowed for many Read More