Rejoice Rejoice Emmanuel – Original Christmas song

Original Christmas song by Sarah Begaj & Sheila Freemantle 2020 ©

Last year my Mum Sheila Freemantle gave me the words to a Christmas hymn she had written. I was unable to work on the music for it then, but determined I would this year. Unfortunately due to illness I was unable to record sooner, but by the grace of God in the last 24 hours I have recorded the music and made the video, so the song can be shared before Christmas day! I do hope and pray that it will be a blessing to you!

Rejoice Emmanuel SBM © 2020
CCLI # 7167934


Glad tidings of great joy I bring
To you and all mankind I sing
God’s Son within a manger lies
Angelic voices fill the skies

Arise o shepherds do not fear
The Saviour of the world is here
Not in a palace dressed in gold
But swaddled warmly in the cold

Rejoice, rejoice Emmanuel
God with us has come to dwell

God’s natal star which gleams so bright
And travels onward in the night
Leads wise men to the Hebrew king
To bring their previous offering

Come children now of every age
Though tempests roar and nations rage
God calls you to receive His Son
Declare this news to everyone

Another glorious day will dawn
When Jesus comes to call His own
With trumpet sound, upon the clouds
He comes to rule and reign in power

Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel
God with us shall come to dwell