Hiking in the English countryside is most definitely one of my favourite things to do! Thankfully my husband and children are equally outdoors people praise God! (Otherwise it’d be a lonely journey!) Today we visited the lovely village of Buriton and its’ steep woodland. I tend to steam ahead and then realise my daughter is lagging somewhat. I remember dragging behind my dad in a similar way when I was young. My little legs wouldn’t keep up. Funny how we become like our parents. Perhaps that’s not such a good trait to emulate but my dad’s love for the countryside definitely was passed onto me to the soundtrack of his favourite hymn ‘How great thou art’. Why am I telling you this?! 😄.. I think of Proverbs 22:6 “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it”. I realise that it is not only what I teach my children in word which will impact them. The things I love, talk about and do will stay with them as they grow and they may find themselves doing those things also. That’s a stark realisation. The above verse in Proverbs can be read as a commandment but also as a statement. We are all training our children whether we know it or not. Oh Lord help us train them in your ways!
I’d love to hear your thoughts/examples in your lives 💜