Just sitting with my Bible, meditating on the words and taking in the beauty of God’s creation (today through these beautiful tulips)..God is always faithful to speak. Just wanted to share some thoughts… As I read through the story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel, I can’t help feeling sympathy for Leah yet also gleaning some valuable lessons from her plight. Leah was overlooked, unloved, the booby prize. She desperately wanted the love of her husband Jacob, every time thinking the next son would surely secure this. Each time she was disappointed. Finally in Genesis 29:35 after bearing a fourth son she said “Now I will praise the Lord” and she called his name Judah (meaning praise). This really struck me…when she turned from looking for the praise and acceptance of man and chose to praise the Lord, God gave her fruit which would have eternal purpose. From the tribe ofJudah would come the Messiah:-Jesus. The Lion of tribe of Judah! Our worth doesn’t come from man but the Creator of the Universe who has made us unique with unique purposes to be fruitful for His kingdom.
As a creative person who writes music/songs sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the approval of man. There can be in the back of my mind the thought ‘maybe the next song’ or………… (whatever it may be for you) will reach more people. There is a stark reality Jesus brought to light in John 12:42-43. Though many among the rulers believed in Jesus they did not confess Him because “they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God”. I want first and foremost my attention to be upon bringing praise to God- that I may bear eternal fruit. This cannot be measured in earthly terms. Lord help us offer You that sacrifice of praise, knowing there is fullness in Your presence. I hope this can encourage/help someone today. I’d love to hear your thoughts 💙