Just wanted to share my new website logo with you (www.sarahbegaj.com) A massive thanks to @loulitagilldesign for bringing my vision to life 💜!!
I’ve mentioned a few times how the Lord one day last year gave me the purpose of my music “to sow seeds of faith through song”. A few months later a vision of a logo came into my mind out of nowhere and I knew it was the Lord. It was this picture- a dandelion with its’ seeds spreading, the seeds being/becoming musical notes. It seems so fitting today to share this as I received notification of royalties for my songs being/sung or shared in churches over 3 continents…It is amazing to think that God would use any songs I had written to be sung as praise to Him from other’s lips! All glory to Him.
I’m so thankful for those who have faithfully supported me on this journey I never planned for! It is all about getting the Word of God out through song. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). By God’s grace I have 2 albums (CDs) which still are being sent out.
I’d love to hear how God has brought any of your visions to life 💜