This is the first song I released with Homegrown Worship earlier this year, which has been sung as a congregational worship song. A couple of weeks ago I had an idea ( 8 months on )to make this video and here it is! During these strange and uncertain times it is important to look up for our redemption is drawing nigh and the return of Jesus ever closer. The story behind the song: One day as I was pottering in the kitchen, the words “Let the Spirit and the bride say come” popped into my mind. I sat down and opened my Bible to the book of Revelation and found the verse in Revelation chapter 22. This chapter sets the scene of the new heaven and new earth to come. The call is for all to come to the water of life; Jesus, and for His bride (the Church) to remain spotless and ready for His return. The chorus of the song is taken from the Lord’s prayer and the empowering of the church at Pentecost, calling out for God to establish His Kingdom and purify his church. As I sat writing this song, the parable of the ten virgins from Matthew chapter 25 came to mind. Jesus tells us to watch and pray because we do not know the hour of His return. How important it is that we have the oil of the Holy Spirit so we are not like the foolish virgins who didn’t have oil in their lamps and were not permitted to the wedding. As the bride of Christ may we be ready for His return! A big thank you to Anna Mitchell who features as the ‘bride’ in this video.